Vision boards

Today is my interview to become a member of the Fittest Loser final 5. I haven’t prepped any answers for potential questions because I want them to be honest and not scripted. But, to keep me on track and keep my nervousness at bay, I created a vision board showing all the reasons I want to lose weight.

As it depicts, I WILL lose weight so that I can:

  • Fit into the too-small bridesmaid dress for my brother-in-law’s wedding this May!
  • Ride roller coasters without any fear whatsoever of a seat belt extender (never needed one, but came really close one time, and the shame was horrifying). I also want to make sure I fit on the new Harry Potter ride at Universal, and I hear the seats are significantly smaller than most rides.
  • Shop at stores such as White House Black Market, Ann Taylor Loft and Banana Republic. I cannot WAIT to do this when I’m thin. Seriously, I’m normally not a big spender at stores, but I will be dangerous when I can fit into these stores’ clothing!
  • Run a 5k–specifically for the rescue that saved our two precious pups! This takes place in September each year, so I have a good eight months to prepare.
  • Sit on an airplane seat without worrying about getting dirty looks from the poor soul who sits next to me (note that I never HAVE received a dirty look, but I live in fear of one)
  • Go bathing suit shopping and not cringe in fear as I head into the dressing room–and not have to look for something solid black and as un-attention-grabbing as possible.
  • Have a baby! Hopefully one this cute. 🙂

I really recommend making one of these if you have a goal you’d love to pursue. Seeing all of these things stare at me from my fridge is going to be very helpful, and will make me think twice when I go to grab a snack. I’m not sure which photo is the most motivating at the moment–the bridesmaid dress (given that I need to fit into it in the very near future) or that too-adorable-for-words baby!

About Kristen K

My life has always been pretty darn fantastic--except for one thing: my weight. Not too long ago, I tipped the scale at 283 pounds. I'd gain some, lose some and gain some right back, and I was so frustrated. When I saw a notice for a Biggest Loser-style contest in my local paper, I applied on the spot and I felt like I won the lottery when I found out I was one of the five contestants chosen. We worked out four times a week with trainers and followed a clean eating diet, and my life completely transformed. I've lost more than 60 pounds and I'm feeling confidence for the first time in my life. I'm 29 years old with a great husband, a rewarding job, two adorable dogs and fantastic friends. Weight loss continues to be a struggle now that the contest has ended, but this time I know that I can do it and I'm fully committed. This blog has seved as an accountability tool as I journey from a happy, but fat, person to a happy and confident person. And for the first time in my life, I'm no longer putting it off until tomorrow. This time, I'm starting this minute.
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1 Response to Vision boards

  1. Betsie says:

    The board turned out great! Which program did you use? Good luck today, can’t wait to hear all about it! 🙂

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